We are gathered. We hear God's Word. We are fed at God's table. We are sent out to proclaim good news to and for the world.

Worship is the primary way that we gather in and as community: to hear the Word of God proclaimed in scripture, song, and sermon; we pray; we are fed at God's table with the bread and wine at communion, the gifts of God, given freely for the people of God. We are sent out to share the life and love we hear and receiving in this place with the world. Worship takes place at 10AM on Sundays during the summer (11AM the rest of the year). As well, there are special services during times of the church year, e.g. Advent, Christmas, and Holy Week. Messiah places a strong emphasis on the liturgy being the work of the people and seeks to integrate people of all ages and stages within our worship. 

Christian Education at MLC
...faith formation for all ages and stages of life.

At Messiah we recognize, as followers of Jesus, that faith formation is life long. Supporting our congregation’s mission of being a place where we share God’s love and grace, our Christian Education ministry is developed to help people:       

  • Develop authentic relationships with God and others         
  • Engage with church rituals and traditions         
  • Make faith relevant to daily life         
  • Find God’s love, comfort and hope

We seek to offer families and youth a variety of faith formation opportunities, including: worship and music, connection and care, stewardship and outreach. Our Christian Education programming is responsive to, and reflective of, the needs of our congregation and community. We also provide support and resources to confirmation classes offered on a shared basis with other ELCIC Lutheran congregations in Winnipeg. We recognize being welcoming is about being the Body of Christ in the world.

We are offer occasional Kid's Club activities and take home resources. We make connections to Synod youth programming, offer seasonal bible studies, our adult book club meets monthly, and other special events may be offered from time to time. Please contact the church office for more information on current faith formation opportunities.